(excluding patents, * indicates invited paper)
1. “Mass Spectral Evidence for Catenanes Formed via a Mobius-Strip Approach,” D. Ben-Effraim, C. Batich, and E. Wasserman, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 92, p. 2123 (1970).
2. “The Photoelectron Spectra of Cyclooctatetraene and its Hydrogenated Derivatives,” C. Batich, P. Bischof, and E. Heilbronner, J. Electron Spectrosc., 1 p. 33 (1972).
3. “Photoelectron Spectra of Phosphabenzene, Arsabenzene, and Stibabenzene,” C. Batich, E. Heilbronner, V. Hornung, A. J. Ashe III, D. T. Clark, U. T. Cobley, D. Kilcast, and I. Scanlan, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 95, p. 928 (1973).
4. Ionisationspotentiale verformter π-Bindungen” Christopher Batich1, Otto Ermer2, Edgar Heilbronner1 and Prof. Dr. John R. Wiseman3 (Article first published online: 17 JAN 2006) DOI: 10.1002/ange.19730850707 Angewandte Chemie Volume 85, Issue 7, pages 302–303, April 1973
4.a “lonization Potentials of Deformed Pi-Bonds,” C. Batich, O. Ermer, E. Heilbronner, and J. Wiseman, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Eng., 12, p. 312 (1973).
5. “Bermerkung zur Gleichheit der Aufspaltung I (zwischen den ersten beiden Pi Ionizationspotentialen) und E zwischen den entsprechenden r – Uebergangsenergien) des Spiro (4,4) nonatetraens,” C. Batich, E. Heilbronner, and M. Semmelhack, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 56, p. 2110 (1973).
6. “The Photoelectron Spectra of Alkyl Peroxides,” C. Batich and Waldemar Adam, Tet. Lett., p. 1467 (1974).
7. “The Ionization Energies of Bridged <1A> Annulenes and of Dicyclohepta <cd,gh> Pentalene,” C. Batich, E. Heilbronner, and E. Vogel, Helvetica Chimica Acta. 57, p. 2288 (1974).
8. “Equivalence of the Energy Gaps I (1,2) and E (1,2) Between Corresponding Bands in the Photoelectron (I) and Electronic Absorption (E) Spectra of Spiro <4,4> nonatetraene. An Amusing Conse¬quence of Spiro Conjugation,” C. Batich, E. Heilbronner, E. Rommel, M. Semmelhack and J. S. Foos, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 96, p. 7662 (1974).
9. “The Electronic Structure of Vinyl Ethers and Sulfides with Interrupted Conjugation Examined by Photo¬electron Spectroscopy,” C. Batich, E. Heilbronner, C. B. Quinn, and J. Wiseman, Helvetica Chemic Acta, 59, p. 512-522 (1976).
10. “Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Bis (-allyl) Nickel and Its Methyl Substituted Derivatives: Support for the Near Validity of Koopmans’ Theorem,” C. Batich, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 98, p. 7585-7590 (1976).
11. “Surface Characterization of Acid- and Base-treated Chromosorb W by Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis,” M.A. Kaiser and C. Batich, J. of Chromatography, 175, p. 174-177 (1976).
12. “Radical Cation States of 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylene-norborane, 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylenebicyclo <2.2.2> Octane and of Related Compounds,” M. Mohraz, C. Batich, E. Heilbronner, P. Vogel, and P. A. Carrupt, Recl. Trav. Chem. Pavs-Bas, 95, p. 362-367 (1978).
13. “Electronic Structure of Metalorganic Compounds 6. The Photoelectron Spectra of Ni, Pd, Pt diallyl,” M. Bohm, R. Gleiter, C. Batich, Helvetica Chim. Acta, 63 (4), p. 990-1005 (1980).
14.* “Chemical Labels to Distinguish Surface Functional Groups Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ESCA),” C. Batich and R. Wendt, “ACS Symposium Series No. 162” p. 221-235. “Photon, Electron and Ion Probes of Polymer Structure and Properties,” D. Dwight, T. Farbish, and H. R. Thomas, ed. (1981).
15. “X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of the Effect of Ozone on Various Styrene/Butadiene Co polymers,” K. Stephens, M. Ammons, C. Batich, C. Beatty, and W. Swartz, ACS Symposium Series No. 229, “The Effects on Hostile Environments as Coatings and Plastics,” pp. 279-290 (1983).
16. “X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Nitroso Compounds,” C. Batich and D. Donald, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., p. 2758 (1984).
17. “Surface Studies of Calculi Deposition on Foley Catheter Materials,” C. Batich, C. Cheng, C. Johnson, V. Rodriquez, and S. Batich, Biomaterials Transactions, Volume VII, p. 31 (1984).
18. “Matrix Mineral Configuration in Whewellite Kidney Stones: Ultrastructural Analysis,” L Ogbugi, C. Batich, and B. Finlayson, Urolithiasis and Related Clinical Research, edited by P. O. Schwille, L. H. Smith, W. G. Robertson, and W. Vahlensieck (Plenum Pub. Corp.), pp. 711-714 (1984).
19.* “Ultrastructure of Whewellite Kidney Stones: Electron-analytical Investigation,” L Ogbugi, C. Batich, and B. Finlayson, J. Ultrastructural Research, 90, p. 1-8 (1985).
20. “Polymers as Moisture Barriers to Maintain Seed Quality,” S. West, S. Loftin, M. Wahl, C. Batich, and C. Beatty, Crop Sci., 25, p. 941-945 (1985).
21.* “XPS Studies of Polymeric Surfaces and Interfaces,” C. Batich, Surfaces Silanes and Interfaces, ed. D. Lyden, Gordon and Breach Science Pub., NY, pp. 215-234 (1986).
22. “Custom-made Vaginal Balloons for Strengthening Circumvaginal Muscle Strength,” R. Abrams, C. Batich, M. Dougherty, P. McKey, Y. C. Un, and H. Parker, Biomaterials, Medical Devices and Artificial Organs, 14, pp. 239-248 (1986).
23. “Surface Modification: I, Graft Polymerization of Acrylamide Onto LDPE by Ce4+ Induced Initiation,” C. Batich and A. Yahiaoui, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 25, p. 3479-3488 (1987).
24. “Surface Segregation and Low Temperature Oxidation of Ni-Cr Alloys,” S. Jeng, P. Holloway, C. Batich, and S. Hofmann, J. Vac. Sci. Tech., A5 (4), p. 650-651 (1987) (summary abstract).
25. “The Effect of Exercise on the Circumvaginal Muscles: Pilot Study Results,” M. Dougherty, R. Abrams, C. Batich, P. McKey, and R. Thomas, Florida Nursing Review, 2, pp. 12-13 (1987).
26. “Effect of Exercise on the Circumvaginal Muscles (CVM),” M. Dougherty, R. Abrams, C. Batich, K. Bishop, and P. Gimotty, Neurology and Urodynamics, 6, pp. 189-190 (1987) (extended abstract).
27. “New Attachment Formation Following Controlled Tissue Regeneration Using Biodegradable Membranes,” I. Magnusson, C. Batich, and B. Collins, J. Periodontology, 59, pp. 1-6 (1988).
28. “Water and Abrasive Effects on 3-body Wear of Dental Composites,” D. Sarrett, K-J. Solderholm, and C. Batich, J. Dental Research, 67, p. 362 (1988) (reviewed abstract).
29.* “Chemical Derivatization Surface Analysis,” C. Batich, J. Applied Surface Science, 32, pp. 57-73 (1988).
30. “The Dynamic Characteristics of the Circumvaginal Muscles (CVM) in Non-parturient and Parturient Women,” J. Samples, M. Dougherty, R. Abrams, and C. Batich, JOGNN, May issue, pp. 194-201 (1988).
31.* “Co-combustion in Community Waste to Energy Systems,” A. Green, et al., in Co-Combustion, ed. A. Green, pp. 13-28 (1988). Joint Power Generation Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September 1988.
32. “Variation in the Apparent Coefficient of Friction of Wheat on Galvanized Steel,” S. A. Thompson, R. A. Bucklin, C. D. Batich, and I. J. Ross, Am. Soc. Agri. Engr., 31, p. 1518-1524 (1988).
33. “Toxic Hydrolysis Product from a Biodegradable Foam Implant,” C. Batich, R. King, and J. Williams, J. Biomed. Mater. Res.: Applied Biomaterials, 23 pp. 311-319 (1989).
34. “Polyaniline via Schiff Base Chemistry,” C. Batich, P. H. Gebert, D. B. Tanner, and S. L. Herr, Synthetic Metals, 29, pp. E371-376 (1989).
35.* “The Effect of Exercise on the Circumvaginal Muscles in Postpartum Women,” M. C. Dougherty, K. R. Bishop, R. M. Abrams, C. D. Batich, and P. A. Gimotty, J. of Nurse-Midwifery, 1, p. 8-14 (January/ February 1989).
36. “Apatite Deposition on Urinary Catheter Materials,” B. Piper and C. Batich, Transactions of the Society of Biomaterials, 12, p. 221 (1989).
37. “Chain Propagation/Step Propagation Polymerization. Ill. An XPS Investigation of Poly(oxyethylene)-b-¬Poly(pivalolactone) Telechelomer,” K. Wagener, C. Batich, B. Kirsch, and S. Wanigatunga, J. Polym Sci.: A: Polym. Chem., 27, pp. 2625-2631 (1989).
38. “Surface Passivation of Ni/Cr Alloy at Room Temperature,” S. Jeng, P. Holloway, C. Batich, Surface Science, 227, p. 278 (1989).
39. “Chromatic Changes in Polyaniline Films,” C. Batich, H. Laitinen, and H. Zhou, J. Electrochem. Soc., 137, pp. 883-885 (1990).
40. “Surface Morphology Study of Foley Catheter Balloon After Inflation,” C. Batich, and B. Piper, Transactions of the Society of Biomaterials (1990 meeting) 13, p. 117 (1990).
41. “Synthesis and Applications of a Vinylsilazane Preceramic Polymer,” Wm. Toreki, C. Batich, M. Sacks, A. Morrone, Ceram. Eng. Soc. Proc., 11 (9-10), pp. 1371-1386 (1990).
42. “Oxalate Degradation by Alginate Microencapsulation of Oxalobacter Formigene,” F. Vaghefi, C. Batich, C. Shevock, Transactions of the Society of Biomaterials (1990 meeting) 13, p. 102 (1990).
43. “Toxic Products from Co-Combustion of Institutional Waste,” A. Green, C. Batich, D. Powell, and et al., 83rd Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste Management Association, Forum 90, June 24-29, 1990, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
44. “The Polymerization of a Functionalized Aniline Monolayer,” H. Zhou, R. Stern, C. Batich and R. Duran, Makromol. Chem. Rapid Commun. 11, 409 (1990).
45. “Water and Abrasive Effects on Three-Body Wear of Composites,” D.C. Sarrett, K.J.M. Soderholm, C.D. Batich, J. Dental Research, 70, pp. 1074-1081 (1991).
46. “TEM Microstructural Analysis of Ceramic Powders Derived from the Pyrolysis of Polyvinylmethylsilazane,” A.A. Morrone, Wm. Toreki and C.D. Batich, Materials Letters 11, (1,2), pp. 19-25 (1991).
47.* “Materials Used in Breast Implants: Silicones and Polyurethanes,” C. Batich and D. DePalma; J. of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, 1, pp. 255-268 (1992).
48.* “Substitutes for Chlorinated Plastics,” K. Wagener, C. Batich and A. Green, pp. 155-169 in “Pollution Prevention and Medical Waste Incineration,” A. Green, editor; Reinhold van Nostrand, Pub. N.Y., NY (1992).
49. “Polymer-Derived Silicon Carbide Fibers with Improved Thermomechanical Stability,” W. Toreki, C. Batich, M.D. Sacks, M. Saleem, and G. Choi, pp. 761-769 in “Better Ceramics Through Chemistry V,” edited by M.J. Hampden-Smith, W.G. Klemperer, and C.J. Brinker, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 271, Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA (1992).
50. “Polymer-Derived Silicon Carbide Fibers with Low Oxygen Content,” W. Toreki, G.J. Choi, C. Batich, M.D. Sacks, and M. Saleem in Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc., 13 (9-10), pp. 198-208 (1992).
51. “Swelling Behavior of pH-Sensitive Copolymers Based on Styrene and 4- (or 2-) Vinylpyridine,” C. Batich, Y. Jun, C. Bucaria, and M. Elsabee, Macromolecules, 126, pp. 4675-4681 (1993).
52. “Environmental Stability of Polymers,” Tom Atkins and Chris Batich, MRS Bulletin, 18, pp. 40-44 (1993).
53. “Synthesis and Polymerization of 2-Alkylanilines,” R. Bodalia, R. Stern, C. Batich, and R. Duran, J. Polym. Sci.: A: Polym. Chem., 31, pp. 2123-2127 (1993).
54. “Polymer-Derived Silicon Carbide Fibers with Low Oxygen Content and Improved Thermomechanical Stability,” W. Toreki, C.D. Batich, M.D. Sacks, M. Saleem, G.J. Choi, and A.A. Morrone, Journal of Composites Science and Technology, 51, 145-159 (1994).
55. “Surface Changes in “Silicone” Elastomer Upon Exposure to Saline,” J. Marotta, D. DePalma, C. Batich, Transactions of the Society of Biomaterials (1994 meeting) 20, p. 148 (1994).
56. “High Sensitivity Measurement of Swelling of Microspheres,” J. Wironen, C. Batich, Y. Jun, C. Shen, Transactions of the Society of Biomaterials (1994 meeting), 20, p. 157 (1994).
57. “Stochastic Modeling of Controlled Release From Poly-styrene-co-4-vinylpyridine Microspheres,” C. Shen, P. Rao, C. Batich, J. Moorhead, J. Yan; J. Cont. Rel., 32, 139-146 (1994).
58. “System for pH-Dependent Release of a Dye in Model Dental Restoration,” C. Shen, D. Sarrett, C. Batich, K. Anusavice, J. Dent. Res, 73, 1833-1840 (1994).
59. “Preparation of the Poly(Styrene-Co-N,N-Dimethylaminoethyl Methacrylate) Beads for pH-Sensitive Controlled Release,” L. Wei, C. Batich, Soc. for Biomat., Trans., 18, p. 142 (1995).
60. “Effect of Buffer Type on Swelling Behavior of the pH-Sensitive Beads,” L. Wei, C. Batich, Soc. for Biomat., Transact., 18, p. 189 (1995).
61. “In Vitro Measurement of Silicone Bleed From Breast Implants; L. Yu, J. Marotta, N. Hardt, G. Latorre, C. Batich, Plast. Recong. Surg., 97, 756-764 (1996).
62. “High Precision Measurement of the Swelling of Microspheres,” J. Wironen, C. Shen, J. Yan, C. Batich, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 59, 825-830 (1996).
63. “Development of a Digitally-Monitored High Flow Rate System for Embolic Materials Testing Used in Arteriovenous Malformation Therapy,” S.J. Zambo, K.L. Gage, E.S. Rogers, and C.D. Batich, Trans. 5th World Biomaterials Congress, p. 590 (1996).
64. “Effect of Buffer Type on pH-Sensitive Controlled Release,” L. Wei, C. Shen, C.D. Batich, and J. Yan, Trans. 5th World Biomaterials Congress, p. 773 (1996).
65. “Surface Properties of Foley Catheters: Relationship to Bacteriuria and Fouling,” J. Wironen, J. Marotta, E. Beem, and C. Batich, Trans. 5th World Biomaterials Congress, p. 175 (1996).
66. “Measurement of Silicon in Tissue Sites Both Adjacent to and Distant From Ruptured and Intact Silicone Breast Implants,” J. Marotta, G. LaTorre, C. Batich, N. Sisson Hardt, and L. Yu, Trans. 5th World Biomaterials Congress, p. 299 (1996).
67. “Measurement of Gel Bleed from Silicone Breast Implants,” J. Marotta, G. LaTorre, C. Batich, N.S. Hardt, W. Yu, 5th World Biomaterials Congress, p. 303 (1996).
68. “Effectiveness of Antifungal Agent Containing Microspheres for Controlling Oral Candidiasis,” C. Shen, N. Grimado, D. Marsh, L. Wei, and C. Batich, Proc. Intern. Symp. Cont. Rel. Bioact. Mater., 23 (1996).
69.* “Materials Used in Urological Devices,” J. Wironen, J. Marotta, M. Cohen, C. Batich, J. Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, 7(1):1-28 (1997).
70. “Hydroperoxide-Initiated Grafting of Poly(styrene-stat-acrylonitrile) onto Ultra-High Modulus Polyethylene Fibers,” J.J. Arnold, M.P. Zamora, C.D. Batich, A.B. Brennan, J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., 11(10):1343-1358 (1997).
71. “Fluoride Release From pH Sensitive Microspheres,” C.D. Batich and L. Wei., Trans. Soc. Biomat., 24, p. 183, (1998).
72.* “Development and In Vitro Evaluation of Sustained Release Ilomastat Devices,” A. R. Hadba, J. D. Talton, G. S. Scultz and C. D. Batich, Transactions of the Society of Biomaterials. (2000).
73. “Improved Thermomechanical Stability of Polymer-Derived Silicon Carbide Fibers by Decaborane Incorporation”, G. J. Choi, W. Toreki, C. D. Batich, Journal of Materials Science, 35[10] 2421-2427 (2000).
74. S. Van Dessel, A.R. Chini, C.D. Batich. “Rigidified Pneumatic Composites”, Proceedings of the 2000 ACSA Technology Conference: Emerging Technologies and Design, Cambridge Massachusetts July 14-17, 2000, pages 183-186
75. “Microsphere-mediated delivery of recombinant AAV vectors in vitro and in vivo,” C Mah, I Zolotukhin, TJ Fraites, J Dobson, C Batich, BJ Byrne, Molec. Therapy 1(5): S239 (2000).
76. “Tissue Adhesion To Bioactive Glass Coated Silicone Tubing In A Rat Model of PD Catheters,” Edward A. Ross, Christopher D. Batich, William L. Clapp, Judith E. Sallustio and Nadeen C. Lee, The 2001 ASN/ISN World Congress of Nephrology (2001).
77. “Biomedical Applications of Biogenic and Biocompatible Magnetic Nanoparticles,” J Dobson, B Gross, C Exley, A Mickhailova, C Batich, H Pardoe, Modern Problems of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics (Editors S Ayrapetyan & A North) pgs. 121-130 (2001).
78. “Improved Method of Recombinant AAV2 Delivery for Systemic Targeted Gene Therapy,” Cathryn Mah, Thomas J. Fraites, Jr., Irene Zolotukhin, Sihong Song, Terence R. Flotte, Jon Dobson, Christopher Batich, and Barry J. Byrne, Molecular Therapy, 6[1]: 106-112 (2002).
79. “Fabrication and testing of a magnetically activated micropump,” S. Santra, P. Holloway and C. Batich, Sensors and Actuators B 87 358-364 (2002)
80. ”Tissue Adhesion To Bioactive Glass Coated Silicone Tubing In A Rat Model of PD Catheters,” Edward A. Ross, Christopher D. Batich, William L. Clapp, Judith E. Sallustio and Nadeen C., Kidney International, 63 (2):702-708 (2003).
81. “Biopolymers,” C Batich and Leamy, Chapter 11, p. 11-3 to p. 11-30, in “Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering and Design” ed. M. Kutz, McGraw-Hill (2003).
82. “The Effects Of Epidermal Growth Factor (Egf) And Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (Bfgf) On Irradiated Rat Parotid Glands,” T. Thula, G. Schultz and C. Batich, Abstract for the 2003 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 25-29, Sonesta Beach Resort in Key Biscayne, Florida
83. “Surface Modification of Dacron-Nitinol Stent Graft for Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Repair,” O. Moloye, W.A. Lee, G. Schultz and C. Batich, Abstract for the 2003 Summer Bioengineering Conference, June 25-29, Sonesta Beach Resort in Key Biscayne, Florida
84. “A Potential Iron-Based Mechanism for Enhanced Deposition of Amyoid Plaques Due to Cognitive Stimulation in Alzheimer’s Disease,” J. Dobson and C. Batich, J. Neuropath. & Exper. Neurol., 63 (6): 674-675 (2004).
85. “Folate Conjugated FITC-Doped Silica Nanoparticles for Cancer Detection,” C. Batich, D. Chatel, R.A. Mericle, C. Rau-Zink, and S. Santra, PITTCON 2004 (March 7-12, 2004).
86. “Effect of molar mass of an experimental primer on shear bond strength to dentin,” ND Richards, KJ Soderhold and CD Batich, J Biomed Mater Res., 70B(2):384-8 (2004).
87. “High-resolution mapping and characterization of anomalous iron compounds in neurodegenerative brain tissue using x-ray absorption spectroscopy,” J Collingwood, A Mikhailova, M Davidson, C Batich, WJ Streit, T Eskin, J Terry, R Underhill, and J Dobson, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease: Hot Topics Section, Philadelphia, USA (2004).
88. “Fabrication and Characterization of Polycaprolactone Foam Scaffolds for Stem Cell Studies,” Michael H. Tollon, Bradley Jay Willenberg, Christopher Batich, Takashi Hamazaki and Naohiro Terada, 2005 MRS Spring Meeting, March 28 – April 1, 2005, San Francisco, CA
89. “Detection, identification and mapping of iron anomalies in brain tissue using X-ray absorption spectroscopy,” A. Mikhaylova, M. Davidson, H. Toastmann, J.E.T. Channell, Y. Guyodo, C. Batich, and J. Dobson, J.R. Soc. Interface, 2(2), pp. 33-37 (2005).
90. “The Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) on Irradiated Rat Parotid Glands,” Taili T Thula, Gregory Schultz, Roger Tran-Son-Tay, and Christopher Batich, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 33(5), pp.685-695 (2005).
91. “Folate conjugated fluorescent silica nanoparticles for labeling neoplastic cells”, Swadeshmukul Santra, Bernd Liesenfeld, Debamitra Dutta, David Chatel, Christopher D. Batich, Weihong Tan, Brij M. Moudgil, and Robert A. Mericle, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 5(6), pp.899-904 (2005).
92. “An Advanced Wound Dressing with Superabsorbent, Microbicidal and Haemostatic properties,” Bernd Liesenfeld, Gregory Schultz, Christopher Batich, William Toreki, Roy Carr, David Lerner, Gerald Olderman, Wound Healing Society Annual Meeting 2005, Chicago, IL. (abstract)
93. “A Novel Moist Wound Healing Dressing That Provides Sustained Protease Inhibition Through Antibiotic Release Sustained Protease Inhibition Through Antibiotic Release,” Bernd Liesenfeld, Gregory Schultz, Christopher Batich, Roy Carr, and Gerald Olderman, 2005 Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin and Wound Care (Poster).
94. “An Advanced, Low Cost Wound Care Dressing An Advanced, Low Cost Wound Care Dressing With Microbicidal Properties With Microbicidal Properties,” Roy Carr, Bernd Liesenfeld, Gregory Schultz, Christopher Batich, and Gerald Olderman, 2005 Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin and Wound Care (Poster).
95. “High-resolution x-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of metal compounds in neurodegenerative brain tissue,” JF Collingwood, A Mikhaylova, MR Davidson, C Batich, WJ Streit, T Eskin, J Terry, R Barrea, RS Underhill and J Dobson, Journal of Physics: Conference Series – Fifth International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism, 17, pp. 54–60 (2005).
96. “In situ characterization and mapping of iron compounds in Alzheimer’s disease tissue,” JF Collingwood, A Mikhaylova, M Davidson, C Batich, WJ Streit, J Terry and J Dobson, Journal of Alzheimers Disease, 7(4): 267-272 (2005).
97. “Detection, Identification and Mapping of Iron Anomalies in Brain Tissue Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy,” A Mikhailova, M Davidson, JET Channel, Y Guyodo, C Batich, and J Dobson, Journal of the Royal Society: Interface, 2: 33-37 (2005).
98. “Structural Modifications in Chronic Microwire Electrodes for Cortical Neuroprosthetics: A Case Study,” JC Sanchez, N Alba¬, T Nishida, C Batich, PR Carney, IEEE Transactions Neur. Syst. Rehab. Eng 14, pp. 217-221 (2006).
99. “Self-assembled copper-capillary alginate gel scaffolds with oligochitosan support embryonic stem cell growth,” B.J. Willenberg, T.Hamazaki, F. Meng, N. Terada, C. Batich, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 79 (2): 440-450 (2006).
100. “Evaluation of manufacturing variability, diffusion of filling solutions, and long-term maintenance of occlusion in silicone hydraulic occluders,” CW Sereda, CA Adin, CD Batich, LL Archer, CG Goldman, CG Burns, American Journal of Veterinary Research, 67(8), 1453-1458 (2006).
101. “Molecular modeling studies of the binding characteristics of phosphates to sevelamer hydrochloride-assessing a novel technique to reduce phosphates contamination,” R. Parker, AA Odukale, D. Fisher, C. Batich, E. Ross and J. Edwards, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 3(2), 202-208 (2006).
102. “Preoperative endovascular brain mapping for intraoperative volumetric image guidance: preliminary concept and feasibility in animal models,” R.A. Mericle, E.O. Richter, E. Eskioglu, C. Watkins, L. Prokai, C. Batich, and S. Santra, Journal of Neurosurgery, 104 (4): 566-573 (2006).
103. “Real time analysis of the oxidation and iron oxide mineral formation during in-vitro apoferritin loading,” Mark R. Davidson, Joanna F. Collingwood, Albina Mikhailova, Jon Dobson, and Christopher Batich, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 2(3), S487 (2006). (abstract)
104. “Iron and Alzheimer’s disease: New insights from novel imaging techniques,” Jon Dobson, Joanna F. Collingwood, Mark R. Davidson, Quentin A. Pankhurst, Albina Mikhaylova, Dimitri Hautot, Rafal Dunin-Borkowski, Mihaly Posfai, Takeshi Kasama, R.K.K. Chong, and Christopher Batich, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, 2(3), S482 (2006). (abstract)
105. “Characterization and mapping of iron compounds in a huntington’s disease transgenic mouse model,” Albina Mikhaylova, Joanna Collingwood, Mark Davidson, Dimitri Hautot, Quentin Pankhurst, Wolfgang J. Streit, Christopher Batich, Jon Dobson, and Wisdom Beyhume, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, 2(3), S557-S558 (2006). (abstract)
106. “Synchrotron X-ray study of Alzheimer’s tissue demonstrates mixed-valence iron oxide accumulations in superior frontal gyrus,” Joanna F. Collingwood, Mark R. Davidson, Albina Mikhaylova, Christopher Batich, and Jon Dobson, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, 2(3), S482 (2006). (abstract)
107. “A Novel Moist Wound Healing Dressing that Provides Sustained Antimicrobial Activity and Protease Inhibition to Speed Wound Healing” Bernd Liesenfeld, Gregory Schultz, William Toreki, Roy Carr, David Moore, Christopher Batich, Gerald Olderman ; The Wound Healing Society Annual Meeting (The 2006 Blue Ribbon Industrial Research and Development Poster Presentation Award)
108. POSTER/abstract: “Tissue Engineering: Intact Decellularized Rat Kidney Scaffolds Seeded With Murine Pluripotential Embryonic Stem Cells,” Edward A. Ross, Matthew J. Williams, Naohiro Terada, Christopher A. Adin, and Christopher D. Batich, American Society of Nephrology’s 39th Annual Renal Week Meeting (Jan 2007).
109. “Magnetic Hyperthermia Study of Mn-Zn-Fe, Co-Gd-Zn and Zn-Gd-Fe Nanoparticle Composites,” S. S. Hayek, C. Chen, G. Flores, C. Batich, and Y. Haik, 2007 MRS Spring Meeting, April 9-13, 2007 (Abstract).
110. “Antimicrobial Advanced Wound Care Dressing,” Roy Carr, Bernd Liesenfeld, Gregory Schultz, Christopher Batich, David Moore, Jillian Vella, William Toreki, and Gerald Olderman, 2007 Poster: Symposium on Advanced Wound Care, Tampa, FL, April 28 – May 1, 2007 (POSTER).
111. “Transient Acid Exposure Increases Sevelamer HCI Phosphate Binding,” EA Ross, WE Scott III, AA Odukale, NA Alba, and CD Batich, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 96(8):2154-60 (August 2007) – (published online June 2007).
112. “Murine embryonic stem cells in a rat decellularized kidney scaffold,” CD Batich, MJ Williams, T. Hamazaki, M. Ibanez, CA Adin, WL Clapp, GW Ellison, N. Terada, EA Ross, TERMIS North America 2007 Conference and Exposition, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 13, 2007 (Extended abstract).
113. “Persistent Skin Sanitizer (Nimbuderm™) with Sustained Microbicidal Properties,” David Moore, William Toreki, Roy Carr, Bernd Liesenfeld, Gregory Schultz, Christopher Batich, Albina Mikhaylova, Paul Dominguez, Jillian Vella, Gerald Olderman, SAWC & WHS 2008,
San Diego, CA, April 24-27, 2008. (POSTER – Blue Ribbon Award)
114. “Persistent Skin Sanitizer (Nimbuderm™) with Sustained Microbicidal Properties,” David Moore, William Toreki, Roy Carr, Bernd Liesenfeld, Gregory Schultz, Christopher Batich, Albina Mikhaylova, Paul Dominguez, Jillian Vella, Gerald Olderman, 2008 World Union of Wound Healing Societies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 4-8, 2008. (POSTER – Blue Ribbon Award)
115. “High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging to quantify relaxation parameters in Alzheimer’s brain tissue,” by Joanna F. Collingwood, Saurav Chandra, Mark Davidson, Albina Mikhaylova, Thomas Eskin, Jon Dobson, John Forder, and Christopher Batich, Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association 4(4), T365-T366 (2008). (abstract)
116. “Magnetic nanoparticles as gene delivery agents: enhanced transfection in the presence of oscillating magnet arrays,” SC McBain, U Griesenbach, S Xenariou, A Keramane, CD Batich, EWFW Alton and J Dobson, Nanotechnology, 19, 405102 (5pp) (2008).
117. “Biopolymers,” C Batich and P.Leamy, Chapter in “Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering and Design” 2nd ed. M. Kutz, McGraw-Hill (2009).
118. “Embryonic stem cells proliferate and differentiate when seeded into kidney scaffolds”.; Ross EA, Williams MJ, Hamazaki T, Terada N, Clapp WL, Adin C, Ellison GW, Jorgensen M, Batich CD.; J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Nov;20(11):2338-47. Epub 2009 Sep 3.
119. “Lessons from three successful (product on the market) translations,” Chris Batich, poster presented at the CTSA Industry Forum at NIH, February 17, 2010.
120. “Gelatinized Copper-Capillary Alginate Gel Functions as an Injectable Tissue Scaffolding System for Stem Cell Transplants,” Willenberg BJ, Zheng T, Meng FW, Meneses JC, Rossignol C, Batich CD, Terada N, Steindler DA, and Weiss MD. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 2010 Aug 9. [Epub ahead of print] J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 2011;22(12):1621-37.
121. Pei-Yu Chung, Tzung-Hua Lin,, Gregory Schultz, Christopher Batich, and Peng Jiang; “Nanopyramid surface plasmon resonance sensors” Applied Physics Letters 96, 261108 (2010)
122. “Animating Optical Materials for a Sensor Device”; P-Y. Chung, T-H. Lin, G. Schultz, C. Batich and P. Jiang. Poster presented at the Society for Biomaterials Annual Meeting (April 15, 2011 in Orlando, FL)
123. Amplification-Free Point of Care Immunosensor for Detecting Type V Collagen at a Concentration Level of ng/mL.; P-Y. Chung, E. Bracho-Sanchez, P. Jiang, J-C. Seagrave, M. Duncan, G. Grotendorst, G. Schultz and C. Batich; SPIE Annual Meeting April 26, 2011 in Orlando Fl; 7 pages)
124. Mikhaylova,A.; Liesenfeld, Moore, Toreki,; Jillian Vella,; Batich,; Schultz, “Preclinical Evaluation of Antimicrobial Efficacy and Biocompatibility of a Novel Bacterial Barrier Dressing”; WOUNDS Journal, Vol. 23, No.2, Feb 2011
125. Antharam V, Collingwood JF, Bullivant JP, Davidson MR, Chandra S, Mikhaylova, A, Finnegan ME, Batich C, Forder JR, Dobson J. High field magnetic resonance microscopy of the human hippocampus in Alzheimer’s disease: Quantitative imaging and correlation with iron. Antharam V, Collingwood JF, Bullivant JP, Davidson MR, Chandra S, Mikhaylova, A, Finnegan ME, Batich C, Forder JR, Dobson J.; Neuroimage. 2012 Jan 16;59(2):1249-60. Epub 2011 Aug
126. Hoh BL, Hosaka K, Downes DP, Nowicki KW, Fernandez CE, Batich CD, Scott EW. Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Promotes Inflammatory Vascular Repair of Murine Carotid Aneurysms via a Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α and Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-2-Dependent Pathway. Circulation. 2011 Nov 15;124(20):2243-52. Epub 2011 Oct 17. PubMed PMID: 22007074; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3217188.
127. Della Rocca, D., Willenberg, B., Franklin, L., Poryasnik, S., Peterson, J., Wate, P., Handberg, E., Schultz, G., Romero, F., Batich, C., Byrne, B., Pepine, C.; “An injectable acellular capillary hydrogel improves left ventricular function after myocardial infarction” JACC March 27, 2012; Volume 59, Issue 13
128. Ross EA, Abrahamson DR, St John P, Clapp WL, Williams MJ, Terada N, Hamazaki, T, Ellison GW, Batich CD. Mouse stem cells seeded into decellularized rat kidney scaffolds endothelialize and remodel basement membranes. Organogenesis. 2012 Apr 1;8(2). [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22692231.
129. Denardo SJ, Carpinone PL, Vock DM, Batich CD, Pepine CJ. Changes to polymer surface of drug-eluting stents during balloon expansion. JAMA. 2012 May 23;307 (20):2148-50. PubMed PMID: 22618916.
130. Denardo, s. Carpinone, P, Volk, D, Tcheng, J, Phillips H, Batich, C. Pepine, C., “Damage to polymer surface and detachment of polymer fragment during delivery balloon expansion of drug eluting stents: a previously unrecognized source for adverse outcomes; Journal of the American College of Cardiology March 27, 2012; Volume 59, Issue 13 Pg. E218 (abstract for poster presentation).
131. Della Rocca DG, Willenberg BJ, Ferreira LF, Wate PS, Petersen JW, Handberg EM, Zheng T, Steindler DA, Terada N, Batich CD, Byrne BJ, Pepine CJ. A degradable,bioactive, gelatinized alginate hydrogel to improve stem cell/growth factor delivery and facilitate healing after myocardial infarction. Med Hypotheses. 2012 Nov;79(5):673-7. Epub 2012 Aug 28. PubMed PMID: 22939314.
132. Vazquez LC, Hagel E, Willenberg BJ, Dai W, Casanova F, Batich CD, Sarntinoranont M. Polymer-coated cannulas for the reduction of backflow during intraparenchymal infusions. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2012 Aug;23(8):2037-46. Epub 2012 Jun 19. PubMed PMID: 22710955.
133. Denardo SJ, Carpinone PL, Vock DM, Tcheng JE, Phillips HR 3rd, Willenberg BJ, Batich CD, Pepine CJ. Detailed analysis of polymer response to delivery balloon expansion of drug-eluting stents versus bare metal stents. EuroIntervention. 2013 Jul 22;9(3):389-97. doi: 10.4244/EIJV9I3A62. PubMed PMID: 23872653
134. Bullivant JP, Zhao S, Willenberg BJ, Kozissnik B, Batich CD, Dobson J. “Materials characterization of feraheme/ferumoxytol and preliminary evaluation of its potential for magnetic fluid hyperthermia.” Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Aug 26;14(9):17501-10. doi: 10.3390/ijms140917501. PMID: 24065092
135. Popwell SJ, Schulz MD, Wagener KB, Batich CD, Milner RJ, Lagmay J, Bolch WE. Synthesis of polymeric phosphonates for selective delivery of radionuclides to osteosarcoma. Cancer Biother Radiopharm. 2014 Sep;29(7):273-82. doi: 10.1089/cbr.2014.1615. Epub 2014 Aug 11. PubMed PMID: 25111903.
136. Kline, JD; Willenberg, B; Koehler, P.; Kline, D.; Urban, J.; and Batich, C.: “Novel passive device for volatile insect attractant and repellent release” AMCA (American Mosquito Control Association) POSTER at 81st Annual Meeting, March 31, 2015 (New Orleans, LA); [Won 3rd place award]
137. Ross, Edward A.; Willenberg, Bradley J.; Oca-Cossio, Jose; Batich, C.; “Bioengineered pancreas: human insulin-secreting islet cells in vascularized pig kidney scaffolds”; in Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation: 29 (supplement) Pages: 168-168 Meeting Abstract: SP289; May 2014
138. American College of Veterinary Surgeons Surgery Summit Meeting (October 22, 2015) Page E-71 “Results of a Prototype Silicone/Polyacrylic Acid Slow Occlusion Device for the In Vivo Attenuation of the External Iliac Vein in Cats.Mandy Wallace, Gary W.Ellison, Christopher Batich, Robson F. Giglio, Clifford R. Berry, J. Brad Case, Stanley E. Kim
139. Willenberg BJ, Oca-Cossio J, Cai Y, Brown AR, Clapp WL, Abrahamson DR, Terada
N, Ellison GW, Mathews CE, Batich CD, Ross EA. Repurposed biological scaffolds:
kidney to pancreas. Organogenesis. 2015 Apr 3;11(2):47-57. doi:10.1080/15476278.2015.1067354. PubMed PMID: 26252820.
140 Wallace ML, Ellison GW, Batich C, Case JB, Kim SE. In vitro development and evaluation of a polyacrylic acid-silicone device intended for gradual occlusion of portosystemic shunts in dogs and cats. Am J Vet Res. 2016 Mar;77(3):315-22. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.77.3.315. PubMed PMID: 26919604
141 Wallace ML, Ellison GW, Giglio RF, Batich CD, Berry CR, Case JB, Kim SE.
Assessment of the attenuation of an intra-abdominal vein by use of a
silicone-polyacrylic acid gradual venous occlusion device in dogs and cats. Am J Vet Res. 2016 Jun;77(6):653-7. doi: 10.2460/ajvr.77.6.653. PubMed PMID: 27227505.
142. Della Rocca DG, Willenberg BJ, Qi Y, Simmons CS, Rubiano A, Ferreira LF, Huo T, Petersen JW, Ruchaya PJ, Wate PS, Wise EA, Handberg EM, Cogle CR, Batich CD, Byrne BJ, Pepine CJ. An Injectable Capillary-like Microstructured Alginate Hydrogel Improves Left Ventricular Function after Myocardial Infarction in Rats. Int J Cardiol. Oct 1;220:149-54. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.06.158.. (2016)
143 Wallace ML, Ellison GW, Giglio RF, Batich CD, Berry CR, Case JB, Kim SE.
Gradual attenuation of a congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt with a
self-retaining polyacrylic acid-silicone device in 6 dogs. Vet Surg. 2018 Apr 26.
doi: 10.1111/vsu.12797. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29697147.
144. Stanton, D., Batich, C., Schultz, G., Gibson, D., Bechtle, A., Quinpeng, Y., Guida, C., Eiferman, R. “A Novel Method to Eliminate Preservatives in Eye Drop Bottles”, The Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics; 2018 Oct;34(8):584-589.
145. Sallam MF, Pereira RM, Batich C, Koehler P. Factors Affecting Short-Range
Host-Seeking for the Yellow Fever Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae). J Med Entomol.
2019 Jan 28. doi: 10.1093/jme/tjy230. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:
146. Kwan MWC, Weisenseel JP, Giel N, Bosak A, Batich CD, Willenberg BJ. Detection
and quantification of trace airborne transfluthrin concentrations via air sampling and thermal desorption gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 2018 Oct 26;1573:156-160. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2018.08.066. Epub 2018 Sep 5. PubMed PMID: 30224281