(includes papers, non-reviewed published abstracts, interviews, letters, etc., * indicates invited paper)
1. “Topological and Other Consequences of the Metathesis of Cyclic Olefins,” Ph.D. Thesis (1974).
2. “Use of Chemical Labels to Distinguish Between Surface Functional Groups Using X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ESCA), C.D. Batich and R.C. Wendt, Polymer Preprints, vol. 21 (1), p. 135, March (1980).
3. “XPS Study of Plasma-Deposited Films Containing Silicon,” C. Batich, C. Beatty, P. Bierstedt, and S. Varshney, Organic Coatings and Applied Polymer Science Proceedings, 46, pp. 134-136 (ACS) (1982).
4. “XPS Study of Plasma-Deposited Films Containing Silicon,” C. Batich, C. Beatty, P. Bierstedt, and S. Varshney, “Ultrastructural Processing and Environmental Stability of Advanced Structural and Electronic Materials,” Second Annual Report to AFOSR by L. L. Hench (1982).
5. “XPS Study of the Effect of Ozone on Various Styrene/Butadiene Copolymers,” M. Ammons, C. Batich, C. Beatty, K. Stephens, and W. Swartz, Organic Coatings and Applied Polymer Science Proceedings, 47, pp. 367-371 (ACS) (1982).
6.* Popular Mechanics Interview, “How Glue Sticks,” January 1983.
7. “Matrix-Mineral Configuration in Whewellite Kidney Stones: Microchemical Analysis,” L. Ogbuji, C. Batich, and B. Finlayson, Urological Research, 12 (1), p. 96 (1984).
8. “X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of GaAs Crystal Surfaces After Ion Bombardment,” M. Kosinski, Y. Wang, P. Holloway, and C. Batich, Abstracts from 13th Annual Symposium on Applied Vacuum Science and Technology (AVS), February, p. 25 (1984).
9. “Surface Effects on Urinary Catheter Encrustation/An XPS Study,” C. Johnson, V. Rodriguiz, and C. Batich, Abstracts from 13th Annual Symposium on Applied Vacuum Science and Technology (AVS), February, p. 37 (1984).
10.* “The Last and Next Decade In Surface Analysis,” C. Batich, FACCS 11, Abstracts (#62) (1984).
11. AP press release on catheter coatings (eg. St Petersburg Times) (1984).
12. “XPS Studies of the Bonding of Fluorocarbons to Copper, Abstracts,” H. Chacin, C. Batich, and J. W. Williams, from 14th Annual Symposium on Applied Vacuum Science and Technology (AVS), p. 39, February 1985.
13. Family Week Magazine, “Surface Coating Catheters,” January 1985.
14.* “Book Review of: Biomaterials Science and Engineering by J. B. Park,” C. Batich, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-32, p. 990 (1985).
15.* “Practical Applications of Surface Analysis,” C. Batich, P. Holloway, and M. Kosinski, Chemtech, 16, pp. 494¬-499 (1986).
16. “New Attachment Formation Following Controlled Tissue Regeneration Using Biodegradable Membranes,” I. Magnusson and C. Batich, Abstract #869 in the International Association for Dental Research, 64th General Session, July 1986.
17. “Preferential Sputtering: Mechanism and Effects Upon Sputter Profiling,” P. Holloway, T. Bussing, S. Jeng, and C. Batich, Abstracts AVS National Meeting, October 1986.
18. “An ESCA Investigation of a Poly(oxyethyiene-co-(Pivalolactone) Telechelomer,” K. Wagener, C. Batich, B. Kirsch, and S. Wanigatunga, Polymer Preprints, 27, p. 142-143 (1986).
19. “Connective Tissue Regeneration and New Attachment on Experimental Periodontal Defects of the Canine Premolar Teeth,” B. Collins, I. Magnusson, and C. Batich, Abstract for Amer. Veterinary Dental Soc. Meeting, Phoenix (1987).
20. “The Feasibility of a Semiconductor-Laser Glucose-Detection System for Insulin-Pump Therapy,” I. Arrieta, D. Burk, and C. Batich, Abstract for Amer. Diabetes Assoc., 47th Scientific Meeting, June 1987.
21. “Use of Polymeric Coatings to Improve the Storage Life of Seed,” S. West, S. H. Loftin, M. Wahl, C. Batich, and C. Beatty, Search, 23, 8-12 (1989).
22. “Toxic Products From Co-firing Institutional Waste, Biomass and Natural Gas,” A. Green, D. Purcell, J. Street, C. Batich, J. Wagner, H. VanRavenswaay, D. Clausen, B. Green, T. Cherry, and B. Andrews, Abstract for Florida Section: Air Pollution Control Authority Annual Meeting, Sept. 1989 (Hollywood, FL).
23. “Effects of Molecular Weight and Cross-Linking on Two Preceramic Polymers,” Wm. Toreki, C. Batich, Polymer Preprints, p. 237 (1989).
24. J. Appl. Biomat. 1 195 (1990) Letter to the Editor, “Response to Hum et al.”
25. “Combustion of Plastics,” C. Batich, Extended abstract, AICHE National Meeting, Orlando, Florida, March 1990.
26. “Post-Consumer PVC Needs Special Treatment,” C. Batich, Letter to the Editor, Modern Plastics, July 1990.
27. “The Polymerization of Pentadecylaniline by Langmuir-Blodgett Techniques,” H. Zhou, C. Batich, R. Stern and R. Duran, Polymer Preprints, 31, pp. 560-561, (1990).
28. “Silicon-Containing Vinyl Polymers as Precursors to Ceramic Materials,” Polymer Preprints 31, (2), pp. 611-¬612 (1990).
29. “High Molecular Weight Polycarbosilane as a Precursor to Oxygen-Free SiC Fibers,” W. Toreki, C. Batich, and G. Choi; Polym. Preprints, 32, pp. 584-585 (1991).
30. Preliminary Evaluation of Plastics Degradation; Evaluation and Testing, Report 91-2 of the State U. System of Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, p. 1-285, April, L. Miller, J. Earle, C. Batich, C. Givens, E. Morales, J. Johnson, H. Lee, M. Roberts.
31. “Polymer-Derived Silicon Carbide Fibers with Low Oxygen Content,” W. Toreki, G. Choi, C. Batich, M. Sacks and M. Saleem, presented at the 16th Annual Conference and Exposition on Composites and Advanced Ceramics (American Ceramic Society, Cocoa Beach, FL January 7-10, 1992. Abstract.
32. “Polymer-Derived Silicon Carbide Fibers with Improved Thermomechanical Stability,” W. Toreki, C. Batich, M. Sacks, M. Saleem, and G. Choi, Presented at the Materials Research Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 27-May 1, 1992. Abstract.
33. “Letter to the Editor” (re. breast implants), J. Biomed. Mat. Res. 27 1209 (1993).
34. “Letter to the Editor” (Immigration), Wall Street Journal, April 18, 1994.
35. “Letter to the Editor” (health care for the brain), Tampa Tribune, January 3, 1995, p. 10.
36.* “Biomedical Engineering at the University of Florida,” C. Batich, Biomaterials Forum, Sept. 1995, p. 12-13.
37.* “Silicone Degradation Reactions,” C. Batich, D. DePalma, J. Marotta, G. Latorre, N. Hardt, in “Immunology of Silicones,” ed. M. Potter and N. Rose, Springer Verlag (Berlin), p. 13-23 (1996).
38. “Macrophage-Silicone Interactions in Women with Breast Prostheses,” N. Hardt, J. Emery, G. LaTorre, C. Batich, and W. Winter, in “Immunology of Silicones,” ed. M. Potter and N. Rose, Springer Verlag (Berlin), p. 245-252 (1996).
39. “Regional Therapy for Liver Tumors: A Novel Embolic Agent and Drug Delivery System,” R. Ksontini, D. Willingham, J.N. Vauthey, A. Leckey, C.D. Batich, UF Shands Cancer Center GI Cancer Letter, Vol. 4, No. 1 (1997).
40. “Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Poly(ethylene glycol) Addition on the Release Characteristics of Model Drug from Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) Matrices,” R. Hadba, C. Batich, December 1997, MRS meeting abstract.
41. ”Synthesis of Poly(vinylalcohol) Hydrogels: Evaluation of Thermal, Thermomechanical, Mechanical, and Swelling Properties,” R. Hadba, L. Mei, C. Batich, December 1997, MRS meeting abstract
42. Book review: “Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers,” eds. U. Hafeli. W. Schuut, J. Teller, and M. Zborowski, New York: Plenum, 1997, 628 pp.
43. Book review: “Natural Fibers, Biopolymers, and Biocomposites,” eds. A.K. Mohanty, M. Misra, and L.T. Drzal, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2005, 874 pages.
44. “An image-based skeletal canine model for pre-clinical evaluations of osteosarcoma molecular radiotherapy,” R.J. Milner, L. Padilla, C. Lee, C. Batich, J. Farese, A. Shahlaee, W. Bolch, 26th Annual Conference of the Veterinary Cancer Society, Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, GA. October 19-22, 2006. Proceedings page 61.
45. “Iron Imaging and Analysis in Neurodegenerative Diseases,” Mark Davidson, Joanna F. Collingwood, Saurav Chandra, Albina Mikhaylova, Thomas Eskin, Jon Dobson, John Forder , and Christopher Batich, invited talk presented at the *Conference on Computational Neuroscience 2008*, February 20-21, 2008, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
46. “Regarding Ethanol from Corn,” (letter to the editor) C. Batich, Chemical and Engineering News, 86(16) (April 21, 2008).
47. “Better use of existing knowledge” (letter to the editor) C. Batich, Science. 2007 June 15; 316 (5831):1564.